We have some simple principles:

  • Economic well-being and investor interests are both well-served by using improved information about people’s preferences to guide capital allocations, and collecting and trading on this information is our sole mission.

  • Honesty and clarity sit at the core of our operations and strategy. No AI, no “black boxes.”

  • Our only revenue will be management fees collected from our publicly-investable equity funds; no collecting or selling user data, no new lines of business, no side deals with corporations. Our incentives are aligned with our mission and with the interests of both our shareholders (fund investors who will only invest with us if we are responsible managers) and our stakeholders (the economic citizens who will only provide data on our app if we try to create a more egalitarian and efficient economy).

We hope you will consider becoming both an app user and an investor (but you can be just an app user, or just an investor). No account creation is necessary when using our app and we do not gather any personal data.